Wednesday 9 April 2014


              The 13 Provinces            

The very first people to arrive in Canada were a diverse group from Asia.

Most lived a nomadic life but some chose to settle into a lifestyle as hunters, fishers & or farmers.

The first established colonies by the French were around the St.Lawrence river.
They later constructed a number of posts around the Lakes.

The British and French settlements began in the early 1600 increasing throughout the century 
but the colonies of New France & New England remained economically dependent on the fur trade 
but politically dependent on their home countries military.      
Situated in North America

                                   Beaver fur was in high demand throughout the known                                          world not just for hats but also also for many other items                                                                                          of clothing, furniture covers and rugs.

The travel route was possible by foot as the two
continents were connected
It was inevitable that a war over the ownership of land would take place 
between the French & the British.

In 1759, after the fall of Quebec to the British, a  treaty was drawn up called..... 
...."The Treaty of Paris".

It assigned all French territory east of the Mississippi to the British except for the
islands of St.Pierre and Miquelon off of the coast of the island Newfoundland.

Under British rule the 65,000 French speaking inhabitants had a single aim to retain their traditional language and culture.

As a result Briton passed "The Quebec Act" in 1774 which granted official recognition of the French to speak French and to retain their     religious practice & culture.

By 1837-38 the population of Upper & Lower Canada (Ontario & Quebec) became so large The British Government joined the two colonies to unite by forming the Province of Canada.

In 1848 the joint colony was granted autonomy to form a responsible Government but remained part of the British Empire.

This union was effected by passage on July 1st 1867, of the British North America act, formerly known as Dominion Day the name was
changed to Canada day in 1982 when the constitution was revised. 

The day is now marked throughout Canada by parades, fireworks and the display of flags. 

The name of Canada :- One possibility is that it may have been derived from Cree Indian mythology. 

There existed a wolf spirit called "Kannuk"

This may be a possible origin for the term / name "Canuck" an Anglicization of the aboriginal word "Kannuk.

The name Canada may also have originated from the word "Kanata" meaning settlement, village or land.


The 10 Provinces, 3 Territories, their Flags & Capitals.

Canada consists of 13 political divisions: 10 provinces and 3 territories. 

The territories are  :- Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.

The Provinces are :- Alberta... British Columbia...Manitoba...New Brunswick...Newfoundland &                                        Labrador...Saskatchewan...Nova Scotia...Ontario...Prince Edward Island...Quebec...

The major difference between a Canadian province and a Canadian territory is that a 
province is a creation of the Constitution Act (17 April 1982), while a territory is created 
by federal law. 

Thus, the federal government has more direct control over the territories, while provincial governments have many more competences and rights.

Capitals:- Canada-Ottawa

Alberta FlagBritish Columbia FlagManitoba FlagNew Brunswick Flag

British Columbia

New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador FlagNorthwest Territories FlagNova Scotia FlagNunavut Flag
and Labrador

St John's

Nova Scotia


Ontario FlagPrince Edward Island FlagQuébec FlagSaskatchewan Flag
Prince Edward

Yukon Flag

  The Canadian Flag

There is no reason behind the use of the red maple leaf. During the second world war the troops fought 
under a red ensign. Prior to this the national flag was the Union Jack of Britain.

This new flag was first used on the 15th. Feb.1965 & is now celebrated every year on "Flag Day".

Royal Military College of Canada.

   After considering many submitted designs the Canadian Government accepted the design sent in by                  George Stanley who based his design on The Royal Military College of Canada's flag. 


Union Jack of Briton

This is the flag used before Canada became a republic.     It is the British flag.

The Union Flag, known as the Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. 

It is made up up of individual Flags of three of the countries. England, Scotland & Northern Ireland. Since 1921 only Northern Ireland 
has been part of the United Kingdom.  As Wales was not a Kingdom but a Principality it could not be included on the flag.


The National Anthem of Canada

       The music was commissioned to be written for the 1880 St.Jean Baptiste day 

       The words were originally in French and were translated to English in 1906 but 
       were not considered good enough after direct translation.

       In 1908 Robert Stanley Weir wrote another English version which is the one 
       used today.


Canadian Currency

The Canadian bank notes are made from Plastic.

one Canadian dollar CAD is equal to 40.40 ph.peso


Leaders of Canada

Stephen Harper Prime Minister  (born April 30, 1959) is the Canadian politician 
who is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada and the Leader of the 

Conservative party

Thomas Mulcair born October 24, 1954) is the leader of the 

TheNewly-appointed Canadian Ambassador in the Philippines Neil Reeder 


Famous Persons

pop singer Justine Beiber

Born 1994 in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, to a single mother.

Famous singer Celine Dion

 Born March 30, 1968 (age 46 years), Charlemagne, Canada

Avril Lavigne pop singer 
September 27, 1984 (age 29 years), Belleville, Canada.

Jim Carry famous comic & actor

Born January 17, 1962 (age 52 years), Newmarket, Canada


Famous Places & Tourist Spots

Niagara Falls Ontario receives more than 12 million visitors every single year.
It’s one of the most famous in the United States as well. 

The waterfront in Toronto consists of 10 acres of sheer beauty. Here you’ll find
an amazing ice skating rink, a large boardwalk, and a number of great ships 
on display. 

One such ship, the 1812 War Privateer of the North Atlantic, allows visitors to 
come on board and look around. 

Granville Island VANCOUVER, B.C.was once a major epicenter for                              those working in the slaughterhouse or saw milling industries. 

Over time the island transformed and for the past 30+ years has drawn 
visitors to its steadily growing collection of artist studios, galleries, 
theaters, restaurants, and artisan shops. 

The 1,000 acre Stanley Park lies within the city limits of Vancouver. 
Visitors come to walk among the cedars, hemlocks, and gardens 
or to watch their children in the playgrounds. 

There are even a few small restaurants scattered within the park 

More than 8 million people stroll the park grounds on an annual 

Vieux Port, Montreal also known as Old Port, draws nearly 6 million visitors each 
year. The riverfront is completely separate from the nearby Port of Montreal but 
has its own distinct and attractive allure. 

During the summer months there are circus shows and dances while during the 
winter months patrons stop by to see the Montreal High Lights Festival & fireworks 

Exhibition Place Toronto is a large urban park spanning over 192 acres of land. 
The park sits on the shores of Lake Ontario and regularly hosts special 
shows, including the Canadian National Exhibition. 

The Canadian Bureau for the Advancement of Music calls Exhibition 
Place its home year round and is proud to cater to the 5.2 million 
visitors who flock to the park every year.

The Forks Winnipeg is another incredible park found at the point where the 
Red and Assiniboine rivers come together. 

The park has a lot of history, having once served as an Aboriginal 
settlement and then later as a major fur trading stop. Today the park 
draws more than 4 million annual visitors to its skateboarding park, 
plazas, and concerts.

Banff National Park Alberta was the first national park established in Canada. 

The park consists of 2,500 acres of land in the Canadian Rockies 
and regularly attracts nature lovers to its glaciers and meadows. 

There are two towns within the park: Banff and Lake Louise. 

Both are filled with galleries, museums, and cultural attractions designed to occupy visitors in between treks into the wilderness.

Canada’s Wonderland Maple Ontario is home to the largest wooden roller coaster in existence in Canada.

It’s also the location of the only “flying coaster” in the country – the Time Warp. 

Mont Royal Park is located at the highest point in the city of Montreal. 

Within the park you’ll find a ski trail, an oratory, and a Roman Catholic 
Basilica – among many other attractions. 

The park, named for the city itself, captures the attention of more than 3 million 

visitors each year.

Customs : the way people act in their country.

 Canada has a diverse mix of customs but are mostly from England and France..
   1) The most common greeting is a hand shake and smile. 
        It should be firm and you make direct eye contact..

  2)  Friendly people, especially French Canadians, may lightly kiss once on  the
       left and right cheeks.

   3) Wait until invited before using a persons first name even though the move to using
        first names is quick.

   4) In French Quebec always use the informal pronoun "yous" (you) when speaking to someone
        new and do not switch to the informal "tu" unless invited to do so..

   5) In gift giving.......... In general they give gifts for Christmas, weddings and birthdays

   6) If invited for dinner take with you good chocolates, flowers or bottle of wine.

   7) In Quebec sending flowers in advance of going to a dinner party is expected.

   8) In Quebec if you give wine make sure it is not cheap.

   9) Do not send white lilys' as they are only for funerals.

   10) Do not give cash as a present.

   11) Gifts are usually opened upon receiving.

          Table manners.... are relaxed in Canada but are more formal in Quebec.
          Table manners are continental eg. the fork is held in the left hand the knife in the right
          Wait to be invited to sit. 
           Do not start to eat before the host / hostess.
           Do not put your elbows on the table.
           Do not refuse food or drink without saying why.
           Leaving a small amount of food on your plate is ok.
           The host gives the first toast.
           It is ok for women to give a toast.
           It is ok for a man to offer to lend a helping hand to a lady without her asking.

           Business starts in a formal reserved manner until you get to know each other.
           Titles and sir name are not generally used but in Quebec academic titles are 
           important & should be used with Madame or Monsieur eg. Madame Professor
           Business cards are exchanged after initial introductions.


Traditions   eg      Hero's day is a tradition here in the Philippines.  


Like all Christian countries Christmas is a traditional celebration. 

Most Canadians start with the traditional Christmas tree hunt on the 
first Sunday of December. 

A suitable fern tree type and size is taken to their house  where they decorate it with 
various things.

 The tradition is to have on the very top a model of an angel or star.

  Presents for friends and family are wrapped in decorated paper and placed under the tree.

  Small presents are often put inside long socks and hung on the end of beds.

Roasted turkey is a traditional
 dish for Thanksgiving day
More closely connected to the traditions of Europe than of the United States. 
Harvest took place in Europe in the month of October. 

The first Thanksgiving celebration in North America took place in Canada when 
Martin Frobisher, an explorer from England, arrived in Newfoundland in 1578. 
He wanted to give thanks for his safe arrival. 

That was 43 years before the pilgrims landed in Plymouth.

For a very long time Thanksgiving was celebrated in either late October or early November, 
before it was declared a national holiday in 1879. 

It was then, that November 6th was set aside as the official Thanksgiving holiday. But then on January 31, 1957, Canadian 
Parliament announced that on the second Monday in October, Thanksgiving would be "a day of general thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving was moved to the second Monday in October because after the World Wars, Remembrance Day 
(November 11th) and Thanksgiving kept falling in the same week.

Canadian Day
                                                       Is a National holiday held on 1st of July and marks the anniversary of the unification of 
                                                       Upper Canada (Ontario) & Lower Canada (Quebec)

Halloween day. 

Starting on or around the 31th of October Halloween is when children dress-up in costumes 
as ghosts, witches and other imaginative things and go door-to-door saying "Trick or Treat", 
which means either you give me a treat or I play a trick on you. Adults hand out a treat to the 
children and treats are usually little pieces of candy.

Halloween celebrations in Canada began with the arrival of Scottish and Irish immigrants in the 
The Irish have a story about the origin of Jack O’Lanterns who was a man who could not enter 
heaven because he was a miser, and he was unable to enter hell because he had played practical 
jokes on the devil. 
Therefore, he was left to saunter the earth until Judgment Day. 

Jack walked around with a lantern in his hand, which had a hot coal placed in a hollowed-out turnip, which today is symbolized 
in the form of a pumpkin.

The use of witches, ghosts, and cats in Halloween celebrations originates with the Druids. 
Halloween is thought to have originated among the ancient Celtic Druids. 

The Druids were an order of priests in ancient Britain who believed that spirits, fairies, witches
and ghosts came out on Halloween to harm people. 

The name "Halloween" means "hallowed evening" since it takes place before All Saints' Day.

Canada's Holidays         New Years Day (
January 1 )...... Good Friday, Easter Monday, .........Victoria Day (May 24  ) ......
                                        Canada Day (July 1)....... Labor  Day......  first Monday of September) Thanksgiving day..... (Oct.12 )
                                        Remembrance Day..... 11 (Nov.)  and Christmas.....Dec 25 )
                                         Boxing Day..... (26th Dec.) a box was left outside the home of the rich people with money as
                                         a gratitude to those service people , like garbage collectors, post men, and paper boys.     


Canadian way of life   All Canadians are well housed, fed and clothed. All Canadians also enjoy
                                     a good health care system.
                                     Generally devote the highest portion of their income to housing. Most own 
                                      their own home. Only a few are housed in units that are considered over 
                                      During the long winters many people enjoy skiing, snow shoeing,skating and 
                                      tobogganing (sliding down the snow slopes on a board called a toboggan) 

Summertime Activities

 Swimming, canoeing, fishing, hiking, tennis and golf


The mounted police wear traditional costume.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are recognised world wide.

Their motto is :-
                          "WE ALWAYS GET OUR MAN"



Ice Hockey.

Two teams on ice skates attempt to score a point by hitting a rock like pellet, called
a puck, with a hockey stick into the opponents goal.  


This is similar to ice hockey but on grass. Instead of a puck they use a ball
and the stick has a net so the ball may be caught & thrown.

Curling Target

In Curling, a team sport, a large flat rock like ball with a handle on the top is slid towards a target
painted on the ice. The team with the closes number of balls to the target wins.

Curling Ice Brushing

Team members can brush or not brush the ball to make it to go faster of slower.

Canadian Football

The same as the American game Grid Iron. An oval shaped leather ball
can be kicked or carried to the opposing teams side of the field for a 
touch down in between goal posts.

Canadian Soccer

Also called football the same as played in Europe

A team sport were a round leather ball is kicked into 
the opposing sides goal.The team with the most goals wins.

Canadian Base Ball

The same as played in Japan & America.

A team sport were a leather ball is pitched at a batsman. If the batsman
hits the ball he runs to the nearest base.

The number of bases crossed decides the winner.


The Beaver is The National Animal

Beavers dam rivers with logs and leaves then construct a home
to live and raise their young safe from attack.

Big Horned Sheep 

Canadian Arctic Fox

Grizzly Bear



There are many birds that inhabit & migrate to North America but strangely enough the Canadians have not selected one as their 
national bird. 

Canadian Goose

The one that has a great claim to fame because of the vast distance and height 
it attains is the Canadian Goose.



As yet the Canadians have not nominated any flower to be the national flower. 
Each province and territory have an official flower as shown below.

The Official Flowers of Canada

British ColumbiaPacific Dogwood
(Cornus nuttallii)
The Pacific dogwood has been British Columbia’s
floral emblem since 1956. These big, white flowers
bloom on tall trees in April and May.
AlbertaWild Rose
(Rosa acicularis)
Alberta school children chose
the pink, prickly wild rose as
Alberta’s flower in 1930.
It grows across Canada
from Quebec to
British Columbia
SaskatchewanWestern Red Lily
(Lillium philadelphicum)
Saskatchewan selected the Western red lily as its
floral emblem in 1941. This tall, bright red flower
grows in meadows and light forests.
ManitobaPrairie Crocus
(Anemone patens)
The lavender coloured
prairie crocus has been
Manitoba’s flower for
almost a hundred years.
Children in Manitoba
chose it in a vote 1906.
It blooms very early
in the spring,
  some times even before all the snow has melted.
OntarioWhite Trillium
(Trilliium grandiflorum) Ontario chose the
trillium as its provincial flower in 1937.
This white flower grows in the forest in the
It is called the trillium because it has three
petals and three leaves. The “tri-“ part of
trillium means three.
QuebecBlue Flag
(Iris versicolor Linné)
The Madonna lily was
Quebec’s flower for
36 years.
It looks like the heraldic
fleur-de-lis on Quebec’s
flag.The Madonna lily
is the symbol of
French culture
in France and Québec, but it does not grow
naturally in the province. Therefore, in 1999
Quebec chose a new flower that grows
throughout the province: the blue flag iris.
New BrunswickPurple Voilet
(Viola cucullata)
This small purple or dark blue flower grows in wet
meadows and forests. It grows very well all over
New Brunswick. The purple violet was chosen as
the provincial flower in 1936.
Nova Scotia
(Epigaea repens)
Nova Scotia selected
the mayflower asits
floral emblem in 1901.
The mayflower grows
along the East coast of
North America.
Early American settlers
called it mayflower because they saw it as the first
flower of spring.They named it after their ship,
which carried them to North America in 1620.
Prince Edward IslandLady's Slipper
(Cypripedium acaule)
Prince Edward Island adopted the lady’s slipper
as its floral emblem in 1947.
The flower gets its name from its petals, which
are shaped like a woman’s shoe. It grows in the
cool shade of the forest and it blooms in the springtime.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Pitcher Plant
(Sarracenia purpurea)
The pitcher plant is
Newfoundland and
Labrador’s provincial
flower. Newfoundland
selected this plant as
its floral emblem in 1954.
It is called the pitcher                
plant because part of it can fill with water like
a pitcher. Insects get trapped in the water and
the plant eats them.
Yukon TerritoryFireweed
(Epilobium angustifolium
The Yukon chose the fireweed as its floral emblem
in 1957.
The fireweed is a tall plant with many small, dark
pink flowers. It grows in places like clearings or
next to roads and rivers. It is called “fireweed”
because it is one of the first plants to grow
after a fire.
Northwest Territory
Mountain Avens
(Dryas octopetala)
The Northwest Territories
selected the mountain avens
as its territorial
flower in 1957.
This short, white flower
with small leaves can grow
in high, rocky ground.
Nunavut TerritoryPurple Saxifraga
(Saxifraga oppositifolia)
Nunavut’s purple saxifrage grows well in cool
It is a small, bright-purple flower that grows
like a mat over rocks and gravel.
It can be found growing all over Nunavut, which is why the territory chose it as its floral emblem in 2000.

The Maple Leaf
(Acer saccharum )
Not Officially


Time Difference and Distance from the Philippines

                                                                                              - 12 hours    &   6,921 miles

SPRING EQUINOXMarch 20... seeds grow the snow melts the wind blows the seeds.
SUMMER SOLSTICEJune 21 ...warm and sunny.... things grow.
FALL EQUINOXSeptember 22... starts to get cold the leaves on trees go brown and fall off.
WINTER SOLSTICEDecember 21...snow, rain, icy cold..... nothing grows



                                                                        35 Million        
Caregiver Salary & Condition

Average Salary ranges between$18000 us$ and $31000 depending on the type of care giving

and location in Canada.

Live-in caregivers are individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly 
persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. Live-in 
caregivers must live in the private home where they work in Canada.

The main requirements you must meet to qualify under the Live-in Caregiver 
You must have successfully completed the equivalent of a Canadian high school education.

You must have six months of full-time training in a classroom setting or twelve months of 
full-time paid employment, including at least six months of continuous employment, within 
the past 3 years, with one employer in a field or occupation related to the job you are 
seeking as a live-in caregiver.You must be able to speak, read and understand either 
English or French at a level that allows you to function independently in a home setting.
You must have a written employment contract between you and your future employer. 
The contract defines your job duties, hours of work, salary and benefits

Obtaining an offer of employment in Canada
In order to work in Canada as a live-in caregiver, you must first locate a prospective 
employer in Canada. The visa office cannot assist you in locating an employer in Canada. 
You are not required to use a placement agency for the purpose of locating an employer.
Once you have located a prospective employer in Canada who wishes to employ a live-in 
caregiver, your employer must send a request to Human Resources and 
Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) /Service Canada.


How to get a work visa for Canada

 Follow these steps to apply for a work permit.    

1. Decide how you will apply
2. Get the application package
3. Pay the application fees
4. Submit your application

1) Apply online

You must have:access to a scanner or camera to make electronic copies of your documents 
to upload, and a valid credit card to pay with.
Determine your eligibility and apply online.

Note: If you provide an email address on your application, please ensure you 
check it regularly for automated emails from CIC regarding your case. 
Some spam filters block these emails, and clients are requested to 
ensure emails from CIC are not blocked. If you are unsure whether emails
from CIC are being sent, please check your myCIC account on a regular basis.

2) Get the application package
The instruction guide has instructions on how to fill out the application. It also tells you 
which documents you will need to submit to get your work permit.
There are different ways to apply for a work permit, depending on where you apply from.
Before you apply or ask for a work permit at a port of entry, you will need:

a written job offer from your employer and

proof that you meet the requirements of the job (for example, proof of education or 

work experience).
You may also need:

the positive labour market opinion (LMO) your employer got on your job offer 

(if the job needs anLMO, we will not accept your application without it).
If you need an LMO, it is up to your employer to get it and send it to you. After the 
Government of Canada confirms your employer can offer you a job, the employer will 
send you the LMO confirmation letter. You must submit the detailed job offer and the 
LMO with your application.
Note that even with a positive LMO, there is no guarantee that you will get a work permit.
Some jobs do not need a LMO. For these jobs, you will need to give:

proof of who you are (a valid passport or travel document that guarantees 

you will be able to return to the country that issued it) and

proof of your immigration status in the country you are applying from 
(if you are not a citizen of that country).
Passport and visitor visa
To work in Canada, you must meet the requirements for a work permit. 
You must also meet the rules to enter Canada. This means that you might also 
need a passport and a temporary resident visa(TRV), also known as a visitor visa.
The TRV is an official document that is put in your passport.
If you need a TRV, you do not have to apply for it separately or pay another fee. 
If we approve your work permit, we will issue you a visa at the same time as we issue 
the documents you need to enter Canada as a worker.
3) Pay the application fees
In many countries, you can pay the fee in the local currency.
Check the website of the visa office that serves the country or region where you live to
find out more about fees and how to pay them.
We will not refund your fee, even if we do not accept your application.
4) Submit your application
Once you have filled out your form, make sure you sign and date it. 
Check that you have included all the documents and fees that we asked for. 
Make sure you have a receipt for your fees and that the amount is right.
We will send your application back to you if you do not fill it out properly or if 
documents are missing.
If you apply from outside Canada
You must apply to the  visa office that serves the country or region where you live.
You must have legal status in the country you live in.
If you apply as you enter Canada
If you are eligible, you can ask at a Canadian port of entry to be approved to work in 
Canada. There is no application form in this case, but there is still a processing fee 
and you still must show the same documents as you would if you were applying from 
outside Canada.
If you apply from inside Canada
You can either mail your application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, 
Alberta, or apply online for your work permit.
If you apply to work temporarily in Quebec, you must meet all the same rules and get 
a certificate from the province.